You are just one click away from an unforgettable event..

Whether you are looking for the perfect place for your corporate party, wedding, banquet or family celebration, or you are just going to explore the beauty of East Bohemia and are looking for a hotel with a professional approach and service, we are fully at your disposal.

Hotel Alessandria Hradec Králové spol, s r. o.

Billing information

IČ: 42196558
DIČ: CZ42196558
Bank account: 177966513/0300 ČSOB
Responsible person: Jan Aleš
The company is registered at the Regional Court in Hradec Králové, file number C 1259, on 13 December 1991.

Our partners

Kongresový hotel Alessandria nabízí celkovou ubytovací kapacitu 230 lůžek ve 112 pokojích.
Hotel nabízí celkem 4 sály / salonky různých velikostí.
Těšíme se na vás

Alessandria Congress Hotel offers a total accommodation capacity of 230 beds in 112 rooms.
You will find a total of 4 representative halls / lounges of different sizes.

We are an ideal place for conferences, training, parties, seminars. 
Whether you're travelling for business or pleasure, we're here for you.

We look forward to seeing you
© 2025 Hotel Alessandria Hradec Králové spol, s r. o. | Made by
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